The wines of Monnières-Saint Fiacre are fleshy and creamy in texture, with a subtle yet refreshing touch of bitterness at the finish. They deliver aromas of citrus fruit, orange blossom and exotic fruit, often combined with balsamic notes like wax or honey.
A succession of hills rising along the left bank of the Sèvre and a series of knolls rising along its tributaries, Monnières-Saint Fiacre is located at the heart of the region’s crus communaux where manors known as “folies nantaises” and remains of old windmills border the Sèvre. The silty, sandy soils on these steep slopes are fine in texture and moderately deep, with a higher concentration of clay in the alterites formed of decomposed gneiss.
Visit the Cru Monniere-Saint-Fiacre website for more information.